CNY Prof. Man Gathering 2018-02-24 |
Alumni of IGDSAA also visited Prof, H.C.Man’s home where located in Sun Tin village for celebration of the Chinese New Year after visiting Prof. Lee’s home on the same day of 24 February 2018. On that day, they were probably celebrating event of their village residents new borne babies in the past year and holding the traditional Chinese ‘Poon Choi” party. Therefore, ours Alumni had the opportunity to enjoy the delicious foods and warmest festival.
Sun Tin Village, N.T.
Feb 24, 2018
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WGAHK Annual Dinner 2017-Christmas by the Pool |
Alumni of IGDSAA were invited to join the Warwick Alumni Hong Kong (WGAHK) Annual dinner held on 9 December 2017 at the Hong Kong Yacht Club Causeway Bay.
The event was well-attended by around 120 Warwick alumni and friends. It was a joyful and memorable Christmas evening by the pool.
Several of ours alumni luckily awarded the prize from the lucky draw.
Hong Kong Yacht Club
Dec 9, 2017
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IGDSAA Annual Dinner 2017 |
On 2 December 2017, WPUMAA held the annual dinner in Staff Club of PolyU and it was also celebration for the PolyU 80th Anniversary and therefore WPUMAA had named the theme of the dinner 'Back to School'. The honorable guests of PolyU President Professor Timothy Tong, Dr. Roy Chung and Dr. WK Lo (Lego Councillor) had enthusiastically joined the annual meeting. President Timothy Tong had also warmly given an opening speeches for the annual dinner. There were more than 100 participants of teachers, alumni, guests and students to attend and share with us this joyous evening. We hope to offer a great opportunity for alumni to celebrate our precious friendship and see the development of PolyU. Besides enjoying the buffet, WPUMAA had also arranged a series of exciting performance such as dancing, singing, table prizes and lucky draw.
5/F, Staff Club of Communal Building
Dec 2, 2017
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The Development of Avionics System |
There were about 35 alumni attending the seminar on the development of avionics system, exploring the navigation and landing system in aviation. This had helped us to understand the situation of next generation navigation and landing system based on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). We shall have a better picture of future navigation and solution of the overcrowded airspace.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Oct 21, 2017
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PolyU 80th Anniversary Alumni Reunion Luncheon |
There were 12 alumni joined the celebration of PolyU 80th Anniversary Alumni Reunion Luncheon on 14 October 2017 at Hotel Icon. President Prof. Timothy W.Tong had attended the event and also performed as guitar player of the band with a vocal singer. There were also a series of show such as band performance, singing, dancing and lucky draw in the event. All participants had enjoyed a pleasure reunion party.
Hotel Icon
Oct 14, 2017
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ISE Home Coming Dinner |
About 12 members of IGDSAA joined the celebration of "2017 Home Coming Dinner" held by POLYU MILESAA LIMITED (MILESAA), in Choi Fook Royal Banquet (彩褔皇宴) Tsim Sha Tsui East, on 6 October 2017.
Around 300 alumni, industrialists, presidents of associations, students and staff of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering of PolyU participated in the event. This dinner gathering not only provided an opportunity to all participants to share experiences about their career development, but also to celebrate PolyU 80th anniversary and ISE 60th anniversary as well as the ISE Distinguished Alumni 2017 Award Presentation. We enjoyed this fascinating dinner very much.
Tsim Sha Tsui East
Oct 6, 2017
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PMA / Project Sharing Semniar 2017-09-09 |
The PMA/Project sharing session was held on 9 September 2017 with over 55 students attended. Three recently graduates Apoorv Agarwal, Abraham Wang and Lu Xiao Wen were invited for presentation. The Q&A section was a treasurable platform for the speakers to share with the students some tips and their practical experience during the study path.
PolyU Room QR403
Sep 9, 2017
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Sai Kung Boat Trip |
It was a hot & sunny day. All participants gathered at Sai Kung Public Pier and headed first to get our fresh grouper for lunch. We then anchor the yacht at Kau Tong Wan (end of golf course) and started all kinds of activities: banana boat, wake board, swimming, rowing the small boat. The lunch prepared by yacht owner was really delicious. Every one enjoyed the day.
Sai Kung
Jul 29, 2017
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