Introduction of SOE talk |
A talk on introduction of The Society of Operations Engineers was organised on 1 November 2008. About 20 members attended the talk.
The background and organisation of SOE was presented to the participants. Applying CEng through SOE could be an option for those who are interested to pursue this route. Follow ups would be arranged by alumni association to assit those who want to apply.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Nov 1, 2008
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Congregation 2008 |
The 16th Congregation of EngD/IGDS was held on 6 September 2008. The graduates and their families and friends packed Chiang Chen Studio Theatre in full with lots of photos.
Following the ceremony, a celebration luncheon was held in the Chinese restaurant in Li Ka Shing Building.
The Alumni Association sent our representatives to the event and recruited 12 members on spot.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Sep 6, 2008
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Seminar on Theory of Constraints |
A Seminar on Theory of Constraints in Critical Chain Project Management was held on 19 July 2008. About 80 members from IET and IGDS Alumni Association joined the seminar.
The seminar introduced the application of TOC to improve organization performances with example of Critical Chain Project Management.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Jul 19, 2008
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Seminar on Labour Contract Law in China |
About 40 alumni and students attended the seminar on 14 June 2008. The lawyer Chen Dong Yin from Guangdong Jindi Law Firm gave a summary on the content of new Labour Contract Law in China which came into effect from 1 Jan 2008. He also gave some advice on how to deal with the problems in human resources management.
Our alumni Dominic Orr shared with us concerns of foreign enterprises in handling issues arising from implementation of this new law.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Jun 14, 2008
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Organic Farm Eco Tour 2008 |
On 24 May 2008, 48 alumni family and friends visited New Life Farm at Tuen Mun.
The guide explained to us the difference of organic farming to traditional farming. No chemical fertilizer is used, no genetic modified seeds are used, no pesticide is used in organic farming.
Vegetables and herbs are grown in the farm and sold in their 5 outlets. Proceeds are given back to the psychiatric rehabilitors who worked in the farm.
After visiting the organic farming zone, we sat down for a rest while making a small Basil seedling pot to bring home.
We also learnt how to use the farming tools and did experience the strength needed in ploughing the farmland.
Every one enjoyed the trip with a bit of sweat and a taste of farming.
Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
May 24, 2008
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Profile Photos |
Mar 14, 2008
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PolyU Alumni Homecoming Carnival 2008 |
Our soccer team participated in the inter-alumni soccer cup tournament held during the carnival on 9 March 2008. There were 8 teams competing for the tournament. In the 1st round, we won 1:0 against MBA AA and entered semi-final against Hong Kong Community College AA. After the 20 min. match, the score was 0:0, so 9-yard fix kick had to take place to determine the winner. Unfortunately we only made 1 score while the opponent made 2 scores. Nevertheless, we did a good job in loosing no score during the two fixed time matches.
We also provided a game booth “Engineering 3-link” for players to throw ball into 1 of the basket ball net fixed on 3 separate boards, identifying our 3 streams of modules: “B”, “M” and “O”. The various module names were put on the basket ball backboard. Our booth attracted most players including kids and their parents.
Mar 9, 2008
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Project experience sharing 2008 |
About 20 students attended the project experience sharing on 1 March 2008.
Walter Fung, one of distinction graduates in 2007, shared his experience in tackling the project, gave some valuable guides in literature review.
It was then followed by questions and small group discussion. Students are encouraged to ask for help from alumni and post their views in the Forum of alumni website.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Mar 1, 2008
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