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PMA/Project Sharing |
![PMA/Project Sharing](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-JwShD-WxmUw/VES30jeqQcE/AAAAAAAAHTw/peCsjvIMBNAMlsrLjtPAlz534I6xk_V7wCHM/s160-c/PMAProjectSharing) |
This sharing session was presented by Ivan Chan, Abraham Wang, Jane Wong and Andrew Yan. Ivan gave a general guide line on PMA and Project, Abraham focused on PMA, Jane focused on Project while Andrew shared the table of content of his dissertation for discussion.
Sep 27, 2014
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IGDS Networking and Awards Presentation Ceremony |
![IGDS Networking and Awards Presentation Ceremony](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-RvCpZ8zGdo8/VDvORgL7HTE/AAAAAAAALDs/mxAVn9SiuHMjBrfIp2kiXv5d9Cxf8pmVACHM/s160-c/IGDSNetworkingAndAwardsPresentationCeremony) |
The IGDS Networking and Awards Presentation Ceremony 2014 was held on 13 September under the summerly sunshine. Around 150 guests, teachers, graduates and students were invited to attend. The President of PolyU Prof. Timonthy Tong conducted the opening address, followed by speeches from Prof. Amanda Dowd, Prof. Roy Chung and the best student of the year Kevin Tsien. Our President Elinor Cheuk delivered the speech at the end. A group of 10 Executive Committee and Sub-committee members of our Alumni Association also attended to give support. Congratulations to IGDS Office for the successful event.
Sep 13, 2014
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Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal visit |
![Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal visit](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-N6JoLPKHcOo/VAM5BchW32E/AAAAAAAALC4/0Pr2qpm8r90bfKF69oiwB3QXHO0OiYerQCHM/s160-c/CathayPacificCargoTerminalVisit) |
Owing to the overwhelming interest and feedback given in the June visit, and thanks to Cathay Pacific’s special generous offer (15 seats), another visit to their cargo terminal was held on 27 August 2014. Basically it was of the same protocol as the one in June. During and after the visit, the participants expressed their positive response that it was an eye-opening, good-learning and valuable experience.
Aug 27, 2014
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Career Development Workshop |
![Career Development Workshop](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-vMMQbA1UEaU/VAMssnlWL6E/AAAAAAAAHFc/xEWVm2P9W8AG8igMeoyJZ1hpTK4JUZyYQCHM/s160-c/CareerDevelopmentWorkshop) |
Upon initiative of full time mainland students, a career development workshop was organized for them. Three alumni were invited to give some advice. Paul shared his views on consideration of recruitment from perspective of SME employer. Lornnie gave some tips on making your CV stand out from the sea. Thomas let participants discuss what questions they would ask from the perspective of interviewer and interviewee respectively and then made some concluding remarks. Three full time graduates, Yaya, Amanda and Tui also shared their experiences in finding a job and working in Hong Kong. Our President, Elinor, made the closing speech to enlighten the participants.
Aug 23, 2014
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Boating & Water Sports |
![Boating & Water Sports](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-5eryhMrHyVk/U9XOW0IwjxE/AAAAAAAAGvA/B96ILsdPF04SdS5FIBKI320KPg11hPPzACHM/s160-c/BoatingWaterSports) |
To enjoy the lovely sunshine and gentle sea breeze, 32 members with families of MILESAA and IGDSAA set off for boating to Sai Kung Ung Kong Wan. Some could not wait to jump into the water right upon yacht anchored. Some preferred a sip of drink with relaxing chitchat and simultaneously watching the coral zone. The youngsters were eager for their turn on wakeboard, banana boat and paddling the canoe. Guess what? Some jelly fishes were around and a brave man showed his courage in approaching. A delicious seafood lunch was served with content. Everyone enjoyed the outing day on return to pier, carried the faces with a bit of sunburn but laughter.
Jul 12, 2014
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Seminar on Routes to Professionalism |
![Seminar on Routes to Professionalism](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-1SFUL4Tb_nw/U74_tMMUARE/AAAAAAAAGrE/6K7PiW3MbMIk1eN1DTcooA48s4_VE9NeACHM/s160-c/SeminarOnRoutesToProfessionalism02) |
With beautiful afternoon sunshine, the seminar on Routes to Professionalism was successfully held on 21 June 2014 at M1603 Li Ka Shing Tower with 90 participants. The Dean of Faculty of Engineering HKPU, Professor HC Man, conducted the opening speech for the event. Guest speakers from HKIE, IETHK and SOEHK delivered the informative presentations, which were enlightening and thought-provoking. The audience had positive feedback with questions covering a wide spectrum of disciplines. The interactive sharing definitely helped our alumni and students to pursue and escalate along the pathway towards further professional qualifications.
Jun 21, 2014
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Visit to Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal |
![Visit to Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-4GgpKvh1OhQ/U6KLM2ealnE/AAAAAAAALC0/AM7Omg4jbq8F4-jtPB_XAmIacvRjMyyAQCHM/s160-c/VisitToCathayPacificCargoTerminal) |
An enlightened experience of visit to Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal was held on 13 June 2014 with 30 participants. The cargo terminal is in full operation since October 2013, which costs HK$5.9 billion and is the latest one in the world with the most advanced technologies of management. In-depth introduction to the systems, control center, infrastructure, layout, mechanism, automatic processing, flexible handling, was thoroughly explained. Their just-in-time business model is successfully executed with application of RFID technology. The waiting and handling time is greatly reduced from 2~3 hours to about 30 minutes.
Further advancement of efficiency and effectiveness for aiming another breakthrough is under planning. The overwhelming interest and positive feedback of participants are impressive too.
Jun 13, 2014
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Nam Chung Eco Agriculture handcraft workshop |
![Nam Chung Eco Agriculture handcraft workshop](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-lhRtt9vkXrY/U4vk99kYMVE/AAAAAAAAGjE/fa28H0r0s68_r94YJgSmV0_B5GSRr7FrgCHM/s160-c/NamChungEcoAgricultureHandcraftWorkshop) |
You cannot imagine what you can do with reed if you have not ever tried it before. By cutting the tip of dried reed and dipping it into ink, you can draw line, point and whatever you want onto the paper. You can further put your artwork onto bamboo tile or canister. See how everyone enjoyed it!
It was so nice having a wonderful morning in such a tranquil environment. More importantly, our little effort of contributing the fundraising (HK$4,800) to the Partnership for Eco Agriculture and Conservation of Earth for preserving the land in Nam Chung.
May 18, 2014
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