Event Calendar

The next 20 Events, since 22/03/2015.

Current students activitesGeneral meetingProfessional developmentRecreationSeminar

22/03/2015Seminar test event
test event please don't enroll
12/04/2015Recreation Pok Oi Cycle for Millions
Hong Kong's only cycling event on Stonecutters Bridge Five alumni registered to join this charity event Pok Oi Cycle for Millions held by Pok Oi Hospital. For details, please refer to www.cycleformillions.com/tc/home.html By participating this event you can view the fantastic scenery along the Stonecutters Bridge and have good physical exercise and be relaxed in this charity atmosphere. You are welcome to cheer our alumni on the closing ceremony & carnival. 活動日期 : 2015年4月12日(星期日) 登記時間 :早上6時30分開始 (按主辦單位安排分時段集合及出發) 登記處 :青衣美景遊樂場 起步時間 :早上7時正開始 閉幕及嘉年華地點 :香港專業教育學院(青衣) For inquiries, please contact Co-ordinator of event, Raymond Kwong by rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk
02/05/2015Recreation Sunset Hiking
An evening walk will begin at the Peak and go towards High West. It is a short and casual route, about 2 hours, for leisure exercise as well as friendly gathering. By walking along the route towards the 4th highest mountain in Hong Kong Island, the highlight will be the sunset viewing together with the stunning night scene, if weather is fine. And that will be a full-moon day, perhaps we can enjoy the moon after the sun! Time of assembly: 4:30pm Place of assembly: The Peak, next to old Peak tram cabin 山頂廣場 舊纜車車箱旁 Participants are encouraged to bring along with a torch for safety purpose. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Frances Lui, email:Frances.lui@gmail.com
22/05/2015Visit Xiamen Technical Visit Tour
Xiamen Technical Visit Tour is our signature event of the year. A 3-day-2-night trip comprises of the visiting to Tianma Microelectronics production plant (leading producer of LCD display module) for half day. In addition, another half day of visiting Kingtronics Industrial (leading electronic assembly OEM and ODM company with BGA, SMT technologies etc.) plus the Hong Tai Concert Hall and Conference Complex. The visit of the renowned Gulangsu is another attraction of the trip. The sightseeing of the Xiamen city spots is also on the itinerary. Time of Assembly: 08:30 (Punctual!) Place of Assembly: Shenzhen NORTH Train Station – Front entrance of Gate A High-speed train schedule (sharp on time): May 22 – 動車車次D3126(09:07-12:56) May 24 – 動車車次D2287(15:43-19:26) *** Train ticket: Full Chinese and English names, and Mainland Permit Number, have to be provided! Day 1: Visit of Tianma Microelectronics production plant Day 2: Visit of Gulangsu and city tour Day 3: Visit of Kingtronics Industrial, Hong Tai Concert Hall and conference complex Package – Accommodation: 4-5 stars hotel, share twin with breakfast Train: Return ticket for Shenzhen North and Xiamen North Meals: 2-lunch and 2-dinner Others: Entrance ticket for scenic spots, coach, and tourist guide Charge: HKD1900 Deadline of registration with payment: April 27, 2015 Payment method: Hang Seng Bank account (AA’s) – 222-4-026092 with bank-in slip and name(s) Insurance: Not covered in the package. Suggested buy by own self Transport: Lok Ma Chau => Futian => Subway #4 (around 35 mins from SZ to SZ north) => 10-min walk to boarding gate for assembly 落馬洲支線=>褔田口岸=>深圳地鐵4號線(龍華線)=>深圳北站 For enquiries, please contact Elinor Cheuk at elinorc@netvigator.com We look forward to having your participation, and let’s enjoy the tour!
06/06/2015Visit Technical Visit to Zero Carbon Building
The first Zero Carbon Building (ZCB), established in year 2012 by the Construction Industry Council collaborated with HKSAR, consists of a total area of 14,700 m2 with a footprint of 1,400 m2 and a landscape area for public use. This is a signature project to showcase the state-of-art eco-building design and technologies locally and internationally. In addition, the ZCB helps to raise the community awareness of the low carbon living. The visit will cover the areas of exhibition gallery, eco-office, eco-home, viewing platform, plant room, urban native woodland, constructed wetland, eco café, air tree etc. Participants will have an opportunity to understand the key facilities of the ZCB and the green technologies deployed. Students are reminded to bring along with the student card. Details: Time of Assembly: 13:30 Place of Assembly: Main entrance of the Zero Carbon Building Fee: HK$50/person ( Admission fee inclusive) Language: Cantonese Speaker: Representative from Construction Industry Council (CIC) HK$50 will be charged at the assembly point. Certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of the visit. For enquiries, please contact Ir. Lam Tat Ming at email: tmlam1188@gmail.com
11/07/2015Recreation Sai Kung Boat Trip
行程: 坐遊艇由西貢碼頭出海,於糧船灣海停泊,參加者可綠波暢泳、垂釣或參加水上活動,包括快艇、滑水、香蕉船及獨木舟等。約於下午6時返回西貢碼頭解散。 午膳: 船上即場烹調海鮮,包括白灼蝦、椒鹽魷魚、炒蜆等,另有雞翼、肉丸、香腸、沙律 、炒粉麵等。 收費:會員 每位港幣350元正 / 非會員 每位港幣400元正 (大小同價) 【以上費用已包遊艇、快艇、滑水、香蕉船及獨木舟、小費、午膳、飲品;以及為八十五歲以下團友購買十萬元團體旅遊保險】 集合時間: 上午9時30分 回程時間: 約傍晚6時正 集合地點: 西貢碼頭 截止報名及繳費日期:2015年6月27日 (星期六) 付款方法:直接將費用存入“ 英國華威大學及香港理工大學製造工程系舊生會有限公司” 恒生銀行戶口 222-4-026092,並請在銀行入數紙副本寫上姓名及聯絡電話,電郵 recreation@igds-alumni.org。 報名只在繳費後以電郵確認為凖。 如有查詢請聯絡 Jane Wong, jylwonghk@hotmail.com
25/07/2015Visit Technical Visit to Kowloon Bay Waste Recycling Centre
The current practice of disposing of food waste at landfills is not sustainable in Hong Kong. Reducing food waste deposal at landfills is a challenge of HKSAR. To gain experience and comprehensive information on collection of source separating food waste or treating the source-separated food waste is necessary. A Pilot Composting Plant was set up by the Environmental Protection Department at the Kowloon Bay Waste Recycling Centre in mid-2008. The pilot plant comprises an enclosed pre-treatment area, in-vessel composting units, curing pads, product screens and biofilters. The pilot plant can process 500 tons of food waste per year and can produce about 50 tons of compost. Compost can be used as a soil amendment, herb gardening and landscapes. Participants will have a chance to get a full picture of food waste management and learn food waste treatment process. Details: Time of Assembly: 9:45 am Place of Assembly: Main entrance of Kowloon Bay Waste Recycling Centre Fee: HK$50/person Language: Cantonese HK$50 will be charged at the assembly point. Certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of the visit. For enquiries, please contact Ir. Lam Tat Ming at email:tmlam1188@gmail.com
22/08/2015Seminar Seminar on Industrial 4.0: The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Industrial 4.0 is a vision of tomorrow’s manufacturing industry. Under Industrial 4.0 platform, products finding their way independently through the production process. In intelligent factories, machines and products communicate with each other, cooperatively driving production. In this seminar, Ir. Dr. YC Chau will share his view on how Industrial 4.0 platform can add value to the stakeholders via the transformation of Smart factory; Smart process; Smart products; Smart services. Three key elements, Big data; Internet of Thing; Cyber physical systems, will be addressed. In parallel episode of Made in China 2025 strategy will also be introduced. Details: Time: 10:00 – 12:00 (Registration 09:45) Fee: Free of charge Language: Cantonese (Supplemented with English terms) Speaker: Ir. Dr. YC Chau Certificate of attendance will be given at the end of the seminar. For enquiries, please contact Ir. Lam Tat Ming at email: tmlam1188@gmail.com
12/09/2015Visit Technical Visit to Kin Yat Holdings Limited
The engineering industry has been facing lots of challenges nowadays in the product transformation. In this technical visit, it enables the understanding how an organization transforms herself from traditional toy manufacturing into artificial intelligent manufacturing for robotics products. After an on-site plant visit tour, Mr. Vincent Fung, Executive Director of Kin Yat Holdings Limited, will share his experience on the breakthrough and introduce their own professional etiquette how to deliberately exercise such in their daily undertakings to make the project successful. Details: Time of Assembly: 8:30 am Place of Assembly: Fu Tian Boarder Gate 1 (福田口岸一號門) Co-organized by: WPUMAA (IGDSAA) / HKIE MI Division Charge: Free of Charge (Return transportation between Fu Tian Boarder and the Factory inclusive) Capacity: 15 (Priority is given to IGDSAA Members) Language: Cantonese Insurance: Not covered in the visit. Suggested prepare by own self. Certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of the visit. For enquiries, please contact Ir. Lam Tat Ming at email:tmlam1188@gmail.com
26/09/2015Current students activites PMA/Project Sharing
The PMA / Project sharing session will be presented by alumni who freshly graduated with remarkable results. The speakers will share their hands-on experience with current students in some important areas: • Preparation • Basic requirements • Common mistakes • How to get high marks Speakers: Section I: Abraham Wang (PMA sharing – 2015 Graduate cum 2013 Class Representative) Section II: Bonnie Lam (Project sharing – 2015 Graduate with Distinction Award) Charge: Free of Charge Language: English After the presentation of both PMA and Project sharing, a Q&A session will be arranged for further queries or inquiries. The sharing session is particularly important to the newly intake students who can be benefited a lot from those practical experiences. The event is free of charge, but, the students have to register as the Associate of our Alumni Association first and relevant fee is exempted for students. For enquiries, please contact Raymond Kwong email:rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk
17/10/2015Seminar Open Forum: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Government Policy, Society & Technology Charge: Free of Charge Language: English Registration: Open Forum Registration Form
Programme Highlights Economic growth in developed nations embraces innovation. Nowadays entrepreneurs, enterprises, and governments all need to collaborate together to shape new competitive ecosystems. Different countries would have their own unique experience and practice dealing with such innovation and entrepreneurship, by the government policy, from the society, in the areas of technology. This forum, co-organized by our Alumni Association and the City University of Hong Kong Engineering Doctorate Society, invites leading international scholars, industry practitioners, and people from legislative and public sectors to share their opinions on how government policy may contribute toward the success of a society by development or adoption of technology. Guest speakers: Professor Yesha SIVAN Dr Thomas CHAN Man-hung Ir Daniel LAI Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok Hon Charles MOK This is a grand event of our Alumni Association target for audience of 300. Your enthusiastic participation is much appreciated. For enquiries, please send email to Ms. Elinor Cheuk
29/11/2015Recreation Hiking
Routing: Wong Tai Sin to Hung Mei Kuk Assembly point: Wong Tai Shin MTR station, Exit E (street level) Destination, Hung Mei KuK BBQ area (you can either leave at bus-stops nearby or to Tai Wei Station with another 15 mins walk). As usual, yum cha at estate near-by is also possible. Total time: target 3 hours for those not used to hiking. Difficult: first 2 km, uphill slop of Shatin Pass Road, is considered as the most difficult part of the whole journey. For those who have difficulty of walk uphill but wish to join can take a green public light bus from WTS station to top and wait for us. After that, whole journey is relaxing downhill slop to Hung Mei Kuk, Shatin. For enquiry, please contact Ricky Shum at rwkshum@gmail.com
13/12/2015Recreation AGM cum Annual Dinner 2015
All alumni, families and friends, are cordially invited to attend and share with us the joyous evening. This event will bring together and provide an opportunity to meet and share with the distinguished guests and teachers, alumni and students, for a blissful moment. As past years, a series of exciting programs, games, table prizes and lucky draws are scheduled. In recognition of this memorable occasion, your presence is of much appreciation. Time: AGM 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm Dinner Gathering 7:00 pm – 10:30 pm Dinner Style: Chinese banquet Dress code: Smart casual Dinner Fee: HK$450 (each) is applicable to all registered Members and Associates HK$500 (each) is applicable to others (Non-members) HK$350 (each) is applicable to current IGDS students HK$200 (each) is applicable to Children under the Age of 12 HK$5,400 (a table for 12 seats) is applicable to those attending the Dinner regardless of the attendants being Members and/or Non-members. If you need any further information, please contact Mr. Raymond Kwong at rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk or Ms. Frances Lui at frances.lui@gmail.com
06/03/2016Recreation Shanghai Commercial Pok Oi Cycle for Millions 2016 上海商業‧博愛單車百萬行
The annual cycling extravaganza-Shanghai Commercial Pok Oi Cycle for Millions is around the corner. This year, Pok Oi can pedal with Richie Ren 任賢齊 and Kay Tse 謝安琪 the event ambassadors on Stonecutters Bridge and Nam Wan Tunnel for the good causes of green living and charity. Please visit www.cycleformillions.com for information. Individual and Corporate applications are welcome at first-come-first-served basis. Event Date: 6 March 2016 Event Venue: Stonecutters Bridge‧Nam Wan Tunnel Application: www.cycleformillions.com Official Application Deadline: 5 pm., 22 January 2016 (Fridy) (First come, first Served) IGDSAA would expect participants apply on IGDSAA website by 13 Jan in order to determine the headcounts as early as possible and then submit in group application. The early application will make early set off in departure. Participating fee $680/person, IGDSAA will sponsor $200 for each of our team member. Maximum sponsors participants by IGDSAA is 8 person. For enquiry, please contact Mr. Raymond Kwong at rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk
16/04/2016Recreation 理大校友單車尋寶同樂日
Cycling event held by PolyU Alumni Affairs & Development Entrance fee : Alumni & friends :HK$280/person (bicycle & helmet provided) PolyU students : HK$140 (bicycle & helmet provided) Deadline for registration : 18 March 2016 (Friday) Participation is at a first come first serve basis. The IGDS alumni is forming a team for the event, those interested please contact Raymond Kwong on or before 17 March (Thursday). Raymond Kwong : rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk/ 9495-6945 http://mlm.polyu.edu.hk/intimate/viewMessage/content_path/messageId_103631244/logEnabled_true/ctEnabled_false/trackerType_3/?sign=8b3a435bdc363b831f279769f8e45dce5c071f1a6d307793439edd02956db0dd
14/05/2016Seminar 《健康家庭 文化養生》講座
誠邀“法語法印”唯一傳承導師徐鋒老師親臨現場,為大家講解文化養生。文化養生包括物質文化養生和精神文化養生,物質文化的養生主要是段食和觸食,段食主要是空心性器官的養生方法,觸食主要是經絡的養生方法;精神文化的養生主要是思食和識食,思食主要是實心性器官的養生方法,識食主要是心性的養生方法,也是人類最高境界的營養。並講述儒家文化、道家文化、佛家文化、醫家文化、易家文化的最高養生境界。 老師簡介:徐鋒,出生於一九六六年,大學學歷,法語法印唯一傳承導師。從事傳統文化講學、心理與生理的健康調理工作逾二十多年,受益者無數,其中包括一些疑難雜症。代表著作《佛門修持治病秘法》,中醫古籍出版社出版。 主辦單位 : 英國華威大學及香港理工大學製造工程系舊生會 協辦單位 : 香港簡氏宗親會 語言:普通話 費用:免費 聯絡人:) 鄺柱明 (Tel.9495 6945)or 簡國傑先生(Tel 9603 0353)
25/06/2016Visit Visit to Lamma Island Power Station
Site visit to Lamma Island Power Station owned by Hong Kong Electric Co. Ltd. The tour shall include the following: 1. Visitor Centre-Briefing on the environmental protection measures of power station 2. Coal yard area 3. Solar PV system 4. Turbine hall of gas-fired generating unit Time Schedule: 09:30 am - Participants assemble at Yi Nga Road of Ap Lei Chau (see Ap Lei Chau map) 10:00 am - Depart Ap Lei Chau Pier for Lamma by HKE ferry 10:20 am - Arrive at Lamma Power Station 10:25 am - Tour of Lamma Power Station 12:00 noon - Depart Lamma for Ap Lei Chau (End of the visit) If typhoon signal no. 1 or the rainstorm warning (red or black) is hoisted, the visit will be cancelled. The enrollment is served on first come first served basis should the participants exceeds the limited. Charge : Free Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact MR. Raymond Kwong @94956945 or email rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk
09/07/2016Recreation 西貢水上樂悠悠
主辦機構: 香港理工大學工業及系統工程校友會 (MILESAA) 協辦機構: 英國華威大學及香港理工大學製造工程系舊生會 (IGDSAA) 收費: 會員 每位港幣 380 元正 非會員 每位港幣 430 元正 (大小同價) 【以上費用已包遊艇、快艇、滑水、香蕉船及獨木舟、小費、午膳、飲品;以及為八十 五歲以下團友購買十萬元團體旅遊保險】 名額: 20 名 (不接受 4 歲以下小童報名) 集合時間: 上午 9 時 30 分 回程時間: 傍晚 6 時正 集合地點: 西貢碼頭 行程: 乘坐遊艇由西貢碼頭出海,於糧船灣海停泊,參加者可綠 波暢泳、垂釣或參加水上活動,包括快艇、滑水、香蕉船 及獨木舟等。約於下午 6 時返回西貢碼頭解散。 午膳: 船上即場烹調海鮮,包括瑤柱蟹粥、白灼蝦、椒鹽魷魚、沙 爹炒蜆等,另有雞翼、肉丸、香腸、沙律、炒麵等,11 款美食。 截止報名日期: 2016 年 6 月 23 日 (星期四) 報名方法: 有興趣參加者,請登入 http://www.ise.polyu.edu.hk/app/webroot/html/milesaa/activities.htm 報名, and register in IGDS website at the same time. 本會於截止報名日期後將報名確認通知書以電郵方式通知各成功參加者,收到報名 確認通知書後,請以支票或銀行轉賬方式支付報名費。參加者須於2016年6月30日之前 繳付,否則取消留位。 付款方法: 1) 支票 支票抬頭請寫“MILES Alumni Association of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (MILESAA)”或“香港理工大學工業及系統工程校友會”,並在支票背面寫上姓名及 聯絡電話,寄往 Room EF625, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon。 2) 銀行轉賬 直接將費用存入“香港理工大學工業及系統工程校友會”恒生銀行戶口 222-055667-001,並請將銀行入數紙副本連同姓名及聯絡電話電郵至 miles.aa@polyu.edu.hk 或 whatsapp 至 61775473。 【報名確認通知書將以電郵方式發給各成功參加者。】 請致電香港理工大學工業及系統工程校友會 (MILESAA) 與 李小姐 Ms Icy Lee (2766 6628)查詢。 1) 活動當日如天文台懸掛 3 號風球,或出發前 2 小時發出黑色暴雨警告訊號,活動 將會取消。本會將另擇日期舉行,並以電郵通知參加者,如參加者未能參與,費用 將如數退還。 2) 參加者如認為本會提供的團體旅遊保險額度不足夠,請自行另購保險。
06/08/2016Visit Visit to T- PARK Tuen Mun ( 香港污泥處理中心)
Located at Tsang Tsui, Tuen Mun, T PARK is one of the most technologically advanced facilities of its kind in the world. With a well-designed self-sustaining operational system. T PARK combines a variety of advances technologies into a single complex, bringing together sludge incinerators with a treatment capacity of up to 2000 tonnes of sludge per day, with power generation, desalination, educational and ecological facilities to showcase the benefits of the waste-to-energy approach in waste management. Seventy percent of T ∙PARK is covered by green features, including a 5-themed landscape garden, green roofs and a wetland habitat for wildlife. Approximately 1,200 trees and 350,000 shrubs are planted, the majority of which are native Using a proven and reliable thermal technology known as “fluidised bed” incineration to treat sewage sludge, it significantly reduces waste volume for landfill disposal. Heat energy generated during the treatment process is converted into electricity to support the entire Facility’s daily operations, and surplus power is exported to public power grid. T ∙ PARK proudly demonstrates a sustainable “waste-to-energy” approach in Hong Kong. Detail of T PARK : http://www.tpark.hk/en/ Date of event : 6 August 2016 Assembling Place : V City Tuen Mun ( Exactly point of assemble will be notified before departure) Fee : HK$80 per person (Transportation fee for shuttle bus to & from V City & T PARK and certificate of attendance) Time Schedule : 11:00 :Assemble 11:15 :Bus Departure form V City Tuen Mun 12:00-13:30 :Guided tour visit 14:00 :Bus leave T PARK to V City Tuen Mun (End Visit) Participants have to eat enough before visit due to the visit will be late for lunch. Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact Mr. Raymond Kwong at rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk
10/09/2016Seminar PMA/ Project Sharing Session
The PMA / Project sharing session will be presented by alumni who freshly graduated with remarkable results. The speakers will share their hands-on experience with current students in some important areas: • Preparation • Basic requirements • Common mistakes • How to get high marks Charge: Free of Charge Language: English After the presentation of both PMA and Project sharing, a Q&A session will be arranged for further queries or inquiries. The sharing session is particularly important to the newly intake students who can be benefited a lot from those practical experiences. The event is free of charge, but, the students have to register as the Associate of our Alumni Association first and relevant fee is exempted for students. For enquiries, please contact Frances Lui at frances.lui@gmail.com or Raymond Kwong email:rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk

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