Event Calendar

The next 13 Events, since 22/03/2015.

Current students activitesGeneral meetingProfessional developmentRecreationSeminar

22/08/2015Seminar Seminar on Industrial 4.0: The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Industrial 4.0 is a vision of tomorrow’s manufacturing industry. Under Industrial 4.0 platform, products finding their way independently through the production process. In intelligent factories, machines and products communicate with each other, cooperatively driving production. In this seminar, Ir. Dr. YC Chau will share his view on how Industrial 4.0 platform can add value to the stakeholders via the transformation of Smart factory; Smart process; Smart products; Smart services. Three key elements, Big data; Internet of Thing; Cyber physical systems, will be addressed. In parallel episode of Made in China 2025 strategy will also be introduced. Details: Time: 10:00 – 12:00 (Registration 09:45) Fee: Free of charge Language: Cantonese (Supplemented with English terms) Speaker: Ir. Dr. YC Chau Certificate of attendance will be given at the end of the seminar. For enquiries, please contact Ir. Lam Tat Ming at email: tmlam1188@gmail.com
17/10/2015Seminar Open Forum: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Government Policy, Society & Technology Charge: Free of Charge Language: English Registration: Open Forum Registration Form
Programme Highlights Economic growth in developed nations embraces innovation. Nowadays entrepreneurs, enterprises, and governments all need to collaborate together to shape new competitive ecosystems. Different countries would have their own unique experience and practice dealing with such innovation and entrepreneurship, by the government policy, from the society, in the areas of technology. This forum, co-organized by our Alumni Association and the City University of Hong Kong Engineering Doctorate Society, invites leading international scholars, industry practitioners, and people from legislative and public sectors to share their opinions on how government policy may contribute toward the success of a society by development or adoption of technology. Guest speakers: Professor Yesha SIVAN Dr Thomas CHAN Man-hung Ir Daniel LAI Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok Hon Charles MOK This is a grand event of our Alumni Association target for audience of 300. Your enthusiastic participation is much appreciated. For enquiries, please send email to Ms. Elinor Cheuk
14/05/2016Seminar 《健康家庭 文化養生》講座
誠邀“法語法印”唯一傳承導師徐鋒老師親臨現場,為大家講解文化養生。文化養生包括物質文化養生和精神文化養生,物質文化的養生主要是段食和觸食,段食主要是空心性器官的養生方法,觸食主要是經絡的養生方法;精神文化的養生主要是思食和識食,思食主要是實心性器官的養生方法,識食主要是心性的養生方法,也是人類最高境界的營養。並講述儒家文化、道家文化、佛家文化、醫家文化、易家文化的最高養生境界。 老師簡介:徐鋒,出生於一九六六年,大學學歷,法語法印唯一傳承導師。從事傳統文化講學、心理與生理的健康調理工作逾二十多年,受益者無數,其中包括一些疑難雜症。代表著作《佛門修持治病秘法》,中醫古籍出版社出版。 主辦單位 : 英國華威大學及香港理工大學製造工程系舊生會 協辦單位 : 香港簡氏宗親會 語言:普通話 費用:免費 聯絡人:) 鄺柱明 (Tel.9495 6945)or 簡國傑先生(Tel 9603 0353)
10/09/2016Seminar PMA/ Project Sharing Session
The PMA / Project sharing session will be presented by alumni who freshly graduated with remarkable results. The speakers will share their hands-on experience with current students in some important areas: • Preparation • Basic requirements • Common mistakes • How to get high marks Charge: Free of Charge Language: English After the presentation of both PMA and Project sharing, a Q&A session will be arranged for further queries or inquiries. The sharing session is particularly important to the newly intake students who can be benefited a lot from those practical experiences. The event is free of charge, but, the students have to register as the Associate of our Alumni Association first and relevant fee is exempted for students. For enquiries, please contact Frances Lui at frances.lui@gmail.com or Raymond Kwong email:rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk
19/11/2016Seminar Cross Border Ecommerce Forum - Challenges in doing Cross Border Ecommerce i
Venue changed to TU201 在中國營運跨境電子商務的挑戰 You are cordially invited to join the free Cross Border Ecommerce Forum on “Challenges in doing Cross Border Ecommerce in China Winning. The sharing is organized by “HK Sea Transport and Logistics Association, IGDS/IMDS Administration Unit, The University of Warwick and The Polytechnic University Manufacturing Alumni Association”. Eight practicing companies are invited sharing their challenges with the following objectives. 1. Brainstorming logistics and trading industries so as to get more innovative and value added models. 2. Understanding challenges so that practitioners will adopt mitigated strategies. 3. Collaborating the practitioners for more fruitful projects. 4. Attracting more potential customers and partners 5. Reframing the value chain 6. Recommending further studies Date: 19 November 2016 (Saturday) Time: 9am to 12:30pm Venue: PolyU Room TU201 Medium of speech: Cantonese Enrolement is on first-come first-served basis, please make registration at www.igds-alumni.org for your booking. For any queries, please feel free to contact rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk
26/11/2016Seminar Winning Strategies On One belt One Road (OBOR) Forum
One Belt One Road (OBOR) is an initiative that focuses on improving and creating new trading routes and business opportunities with China, passing through over sixty countries. As an integral part of the modern "Belt and Road", Hong Kong can contribute as a trading and logistics hub for the advancement of the OBOR initiative. This forum consists of two sections to share winning strategies on OBOR with practitioners in Hong Kong's Logistics Industry. Two Sections: First Sharing Session on "Winning Strategies on One Belt' Second Sharing Session on "Winning Strategies on One Road" Date : 26 November 2016 (Saturday) Time : 2:00pm - 6:30pm Location: Lecture Theatre V322, Innovation Tower, HKPolyU. Free of charge. Seats are on first-come and first-served basis. Please register : http://app.lms.polyu.edu.hk/reg/OBOR.aspx Enquiries : Ms Eppie Ng 852-2766 7151, email: Obor.lms@polyu.edu.hk
29/04/2017Seminar Perspectives on Trading and Logistics on Belt and Road: Opportunities for Hong K
The Belt and Road Initiative of China focuses on improving and creating new trade routes and business opportunities with over sixty countries. Transport and logistics are its integral components. Many in Hong Kong want to avail themselves of the opportunities presented by the Belt and Road Initiative; some have been positioning themselves accordingly. This seminar invites speakers to address issues related to in the context of the Belt and Road initiative based on their own experience, and the implications for Hong Kong. A special session on an initiative introduced by the HK SAR Government to assist local SMEs in related endeavours is also prepared. Date: 29 April 2017 (Saturday) Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Venue: N003 (Lim Por Yen Lecture Theatre), Block N, PolyU For enquiry: please contact Raymond Kwong at rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk
21/10/2017Seminar Development of Avionics Systems
Date: 21 October 2017 We are living in an overcrowded airspace. The current Instrument Landing System (ILS) can no longer entertain increasing the capacity in most commercial airport. The development of next generation navigation and landing system is mandatory for aviation safety and greater capacity. For outsiders, the understanding of the primary navigation systems will help us understand more about the situation. This also pave a foundation in understanding next generation navigation and landing. By introducing a new positioning and landing system based on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), we shall have a better picture of future navigation and better solution of the overcrowded airspace. Briefly: 1. Old systems that modern engineers may not know 2. Primary flight control 3. Basic flight instruments 4. Development into integrated avionic PFD, ND 5. Key conventional navigation systems Language: English supplement with Chinese For enquiry, please contact Frances Lui at frances.lui@gmail.com or Raymond Kwong at rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk
07/09/2019Seminar Business Opportunities on One Belt One Road from Ecological Civilization
從工業革命到生態文明看一帶一路商機 Prof. Ir Steve Wong will share the business experience and encountered in one belt one road initiative with his environmental professional expert. It is estimates lists the Belt and Road initiative the business opportunities as one of the largest infrastructure and investment projects, covering more than 68 countries. This has potential to accelerate economic growth across the Asia Pacific area, Africa and Central and Eastern Europe. Time: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Speaker: Prof. Ir Steve S F Wong Managing Director of BillionGroup Technologies Ltd., President of the Hong Kong Energy Conservation Association Medium: Chinese with some English wording Registration : please register in Website below http://www.igds-alumni.org/index.php
30/01/2021Seminar Experience Sharing in CEng application
This event is organized for those who are seeking professional registration (e.g CEng) with the Engineering Council (UK) and Hong Kong Institute of Engineer (HKIE), which provides an excellent opportunity for prospective candidates to discuss their applications with Chartered Engineers. The presentation will be conducted by IGDS alumni who have obtained CEng and will focus on the following: - How to prepare the application form and professional review interview (PRI). - Tips for do’s and don’ts for professional assessment and reasons for failure. This event will be held at Webinar on 30 January 2021. The Webinar link will be sent to participants 1-2 days before. Any interested parties should be registered in IGDSAA website before 25 January 2021 by confirming your participation. For any enquires, pelase send email to secretary@igds-alumni.org for details.
26/03/2021Seminar Digital Transformation into Smart Manufacturing Facilities towards LVHM
Dr. Vincent W.C. Fung, the executive member of IGDSAA, who is the Executive Director of Kin Yat Holdings Ltd. will conduct the webinar of Digital Transformation into Smart Manufacturing Facilities towards LVHM for New Venture: Startups. Dr. Vincent Fung like to share his experience in successful case in various new startup projects through incubation workshop. The detail of programme highlighs can be referred to the flyer attachment. Interested members could click to the below link for registration and complete the online HKIE's registration form. Registration is on first-come-first-served basis. Registration deadline: 22 March 2021. (Note: It is not necessary to fill the HKIE membership no. in the Form if you was not a member of HKIE, just simply fill in N.A. is accepted.) Please also make registration in IGDS event website for record purpose. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScNZgZbJdIJjVRa85Npll_jGwwIv3RA4JYXuiDUiXmWv_u7jw/viewform
16/10/2021Seminar Robotics Process Automation (RPA) in the Living World of Technology
In the seminar, the speaker will illustrate the latest advancement and the futuristic of RPA related to human in the next decade. The highlight of the seminar are: 1.) emergence of RPA 2.) evolution of RPA 3.) what is RPA 4.) What can RPA do for you Technologies are changing the world. Most researches indicated that many jobs may be destroyed in coming future. One day, you may find that a colleague sitting beside you is a "robot" which does exists in our world. Robotics process automation (RPA) is quite mature. It is time to understand digital colleagues (workers). In this semaniar, I will discuss what RPA is and RPA can do. And, explore whether it is possible to work in human-robot combination mode. The speaker-Dr. Roy Wong has more than twenty-five years hands on experience in software development, including ERP and RPA solutions. He worked in a world-class manufacturing firm for twenty years and was a Chief Technology Officer in a public-listed conglomerate. Roy acquired a Doctor of Engineering in 2020 with one granted and two pending patents. Two of patents involves machine learning and RPA technology in inventory management. This event will be held in face to face seminar with limited seat due to Convid 19. A web conference by ZOOM will be set up for those who prefer to attend the seminar online. The link of the web conference will be provided upon receiving your reply. Any interested parties should be registered in IGDSAA website, by confirming your participation. IGDSAA link :http://www.igds-alumni.org/index.php Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact Mr. Raymond Kwong at rkwonghk@yahoo.com.hk for detail.
09/09/2023Seminar Introduction of Historical Antique Clock & Watch
Seminar Introduction: Mr. Derek Lee is an avid antique clock and watch collector who is knowledgeable in the history and technology of timekeeping instruments. In this presentation, he will explain how ancient engineers invented timekeeping devices that are suitable for various industries' needs and introduce the development of wristwatches and clocks, as well as their evolution in artistic design. Mr. Lee will also share his expertise and experience in the appreciation of antique clocks and watches with the participants. He will also bring along selected items from his collection for participants to appreciate. Seminar Section 1. Explanation of Watch and Clock Classification: 2. Design and Application of Antique Watches and Clocks in Various Industries: 3. Sharing the Historical Background and Artistic Creativity 4. Repairing Antique Watches and Clocks: 5. Real Demonstrations and Explanations Free of Charge- Registration at first come first serve basis

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